common services

Systems center, information networks, communication, television, and distance education

The Centre is one of the common services available at the University of Oran 1, which manages the University’s resources and ensures their continuity of service and maintenance.

Intensive Language Teaching Center "CEIL"

The Center is one of the structures of the University of Oran 1 whose mission is to facilitate access to language learning and improve the language level of all members of the family of teachers, students, workers and even candidates outside the University.

High Performance Computing Unit

The Intensive Computing Unit of the University of Oran1 provides researchers with hardware and software to perform intensive computing requiring significant resources in time, memory, or disk space.

Print and audiovisual centre

The CIAV is a printing and audiovisual centre part of the university’s common services. Its missions are:

  • Printing of any university information document.
  • The printing of any document for educational, didactic and scientific use .
  • Technical support for the recording of any audiovisual material for educational, didactic and scientific use.

Cell of listening and mediation

he cell of listening and mediation of University Oran 1 Ahmed BENBELLA was born by a group of teachers - researchers from the University of Oran sensitive to human causes who wanted to organize themselves to be attentive to the concerns and different problems of students, administrative staff, technical and pedagogical.

central Library

The Central Library of the university as a place of conservation, work and training is a common service of the University, it is intended exclusively for students and teachers of the university. It is responsible for providing users with the documentation necessary for study and research in all disciplines taught at the university and for ensuring a bibliographic and documentary orientation and teaching mission, provide training in the use of new techniques that promote access to scientific and technical information.

Université Oran1- Ahmed Ben Bella