AL-MUTARĞIM المترجم (The Translator) is an international, biannual, double blind peer-reviewed, free of charge, and open-access journal published in both online and print versions by the laboratory: « Didactics of Translation and Multilingualism », which is affiliated to the Institute of Translation, University of Oran1 Ahmed BEN BELLA – ALGERIA. AL-MUTARĞIM only carries original and unpublished articles in Arabic, English, and French that reflect the latest research and developments in the fields of Translation studies, Terminology, Interpreting, Didactics of Translation, Didactics of languages, Languages Studies, and Cultures. AL-MUTARĞIM targets postgraduate students, professors and all researchers around the world within the framework of its specialization in order to exchange researches and results. AL-MUTARĞIM also aims to complement, strengthen and transform the vision of translation. All papers are welcomed and can be sent after the call for contributions.*