Green Workshop on green skills in the Mediterranean: Education and research for renewable energy

12-13 June 2024, Algiers (Algeria) – Applications are now open for the Integration of Green Skills in Higher Education and Research for Renewable Energy workshop organised by the UfM in collaboration with Algeria’s Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS), the European Training Foundation (ETF) and Paeradigms. Taking place in Algiers on 13 and 14 June 2024, it aims to strengthen sustainable thinking and promote a just transition by encouraging innovation in higher education and research.

Education plays a pivotal role in the green and just transition. This requires a holistic approach with the revamping of higher education as well as vocational and continuous professional development schemes through policies, institutional strategies, curriculum development, research, innovation, and green campus initiatives.

The workshop will focus on:

  • Transversal green skills that change mindsets and address the root causes of inequality that sustain climate vulnerability. Effective integration necessitates a robust policy environment, a culture of dialogue, and the political will of both state and non-state actors to disrupt unsustainable systems.
  • Technical green skills linked to renewable energy from two perspectives: a technical one and a policy-level one that looks at national frameworks and sustainability. This integration is essential to ensure that these institutions can effectively contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and enhance the employability of their graduates.


12-13 June 2024 at University of Science and Technology Houari Boumedienne (USTHB), Algiers

Mode of delivery

In-person in English.

Participant profile

Although the workshop centres on the role of higher education and research in the green transition, it is also open to industry leaders, policymakers, and civil society organisations. This shall facilitate the development of comprehensive solutions, fostering innovation and building partnerships for systemic sustainable development.

  • Academia (primary focus): directors/heads of teaching or curriculum committees from institutions and faculties, heads of special services linked to teaching, e.g. career centres, diversity, equity and inclusion function, quality assurance
  • Private sector and NGOs/nonprofits in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and tech startups
  • Policymakers, both as policymakers and employers
  • Others, e.g. project leads from development cooperation in the field of renewable energy


Participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Application is open by 22 April.


Green Workshop on green skills in the Mediterranean: Education and research for renewable energy



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