University of Oran1

Oran university  has been one of the most important and largest universities in Algeria, graduating thousands of students every year in all disciplines: science, technology, health, social and human sciences, economics, management, law, letters, languages ​​and arts.

On the 60th anniversary of the outbreak of the national liberation war (1954-1962) occasion, the University of Oran was divided into two structures: University Oran 1 – Ahmed Ben Bella [archive] (University of Es-Sénia) and University Oran 2 – Ahmed Benahmed [archive] (University Pole Belgaïd).

University of  Oran 1 has 5 faculties and 2 institutes:

The Faculty of Medical science (FM)

The Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences (FSEA)

The Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences (FSNV)

The Faculty of Letters, Arts (FLA)

The Faculty of Humanities and Islamic Sciences (FSHSI)

The Institute of Applied Sciences and Techniques (ISTA)

The Institute of Translation (IT)

The Institute of Crime

In terms of infrastructure, these faculties and institutes are divided into 8 campuses:

  • Campus of  Faculty of Medical science (opposite the EHU)
  • Campus Dr. Taleb (Ex. IGMO): FSEA and ISTA
  • Campus of the Faculty of Human Sciences (USTO district): FSHSI
  • Campus of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences (Belgaid): FSHSI
  • Campus of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences (Belgaid): FSNV

This  diversity concerns both graduation (Bachelor) and post-graduation (Master and Doctorate) training, it constitutes a real scientific richness that attracts more and more students. University  of Oran 1 provides training in the three branches of medical science and training in 9 areas out of the 14 of the LMD system with 38 Licenses, 67 Masters and 52 LMD Doctorate specialties. For the 2022-2023 academic year, the university has 26400 students.

to  make this demand and reach to the expectations which raises in terms of academic training, the University of Oran 1 relies on the experience of its 1386 teachers.

University training also requires that teaching be supported by intense research activity. the reason for which  the University of Oran 1 strives to consolidate and develop its  appreciable capacities in this area with 73 approved research laboratories

It was Classified by Webometrics[archive] in the  1st rank of Algerian Universities in January 2020.

University of Oran 1 was also recently ranked among the top 1000 by “THE World University Ranking” and 2nd nationally in terms of scientific research indicators.

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University Oran 1 – Ahmed Ben Bella