The Center for Information Systems and Networks, Communication and Distance Learning is one of the common services of the University of Oran1, it is responsible for :
- The exploitation, administration and management of the network infrastructures (Networks).
- The exploitation and the development of the computer applications of management of the pedagogy (Systems).
- Monitoring and execution of distance learning projects (Distance learning).
- Technical assistance from the design to the production of online courses (Distance Learning and Education)
Training and supervision of distance education providers (Distance learning and distance education)
Center Manager
The Center for Information Systems and Networks, Communication, Tele-education and Distance Education (CSRICTED) is made up of three sections:
- Systems section.
- Networks section.
- Tele-education and distance education section.
The team
The Information System Section (S.I), is responsible for implementing the policy of information systems and information and communication technologies, management in a more general way of everything related to the automatic information processing.
The section consists of 3 cells which are:
Development cell: it is responsible for the development and management of the university’s websites.
Pedagogical unit: ensures the maintenance of the Materials, installation of the educational systems and software.
System Cell: provides a more efficient management of station users within the university (domain controller).
Contact :
Mr KERMANE Mahmoud Head of System Section Mail: Tel IP: 1017
Mr Omar State Engineer in IT Mail: Tel IP: 1010
Ms. SAIM Kadaria Web development Mail: Tel IP: 1028 / 1029
The network section is responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the university’s intranet network, ensuring the security of network equipment and services offered by the network to the information system and applications and finally providing connection services. internet, user support, study and monitoring of Oran1 University network projects.
Contact :
Mr DJATOU Driss Head of Network Section Mail: Tel IP: 1025
Ms. BOUKRIDIMI Amina – Network Administrator Tel IP: 1062
- 1 – E-learning
Online educational space, which allows teachers to organize their educational resources and students to access them freely or through their accounts
For teachers: the possibility to host their web page, to post their courses, TD sheets, TP, evaluations, to animate forums with their students, …
For Students: the possibility to consult online pedagogical documents and to participate in forums animated by their teachers.
To register :
For Teachers :
– Registration is done online directly via the following link:
– A confirmation email with login and password will be sent afterwards.
For students:
The registration is done online directly via the following link:
After 48 hours, they will be able to connect using the login and password provided during registration.
2- Visio E-Learning room: 25 people maximum
Email : / Contact : – Mr EL ABED Ramzi , Head of Section TéLé-enseignement Email : Tél IP : 1016- Mr GUERI Tarik , elearning engineer with Tél IP : 1014
2- Messagrie
Professional Mail :
To connect via a browser, here is the url:
– During the connection it will be necessary to introduce in the user name field: name.first name without adding the arobase and in the password field: your password and then Click on Connection.
– For a first connection you are invited to change the password that was provided to you by your administrator. The password must be composed of at least 9 characters, at least one capital letter and one number.
Doctoral Mail :
To connect via a browser, here is the url:
– When you connect, you will have to introduce in the user name field: name.first name without adding the arobase and in the password field: your password and then click on Connection.
– For a first connection you are invited to change the password that was provided to you by your administrator. The password must be a minimum of 9 characters, with at least one capital letter and one number.
Ms. Djama Karima, Messaging & Collaborative Tools Manager
Email : IP Tel : 1015
The University provides students with free computer access rooms accessible throughout the academic year and distributed on the campuses.
Hours of operation:
This service is available from Sunday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The connection is made from a University computer or a laptop (different sockets are installed in many rooms).
Conditions of access to the service:
Access: Open to all students of the University of Oran1 with their student card.
The service offers:
- Word processing and spreadsheets (free software).
- Internet (except sites prohibited by filter).
- Multimedia downloading, chat, games, etc. (prohibited).
Four (4) rooms are open to all students:
Room 1: Science library with 60 computers (CAMPUS TALEB MOURAD (EX-IGMO))
Room 2: Cyberspace with 40 Thin Clients (CAMPUS TALEB MOURAD (EX-IGMO))
Room 3: Cyber space with 40 workstations (INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES)
Room 4: Cyber space with 35 workstations (FACULTY OF HUMAN SCIENCES CAMPUS TALEB MORAD (EX-IGMO))