Call For Applications For The Selection Of The Best Doctoral Student Work

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is launching a call for applications for the selection of the (03) best works of doctoral students who will be rewarded during the ceremony planned on the occasion of the celebration of the National Day of student from May 19, 2024.

The selection process should be carried out in accordance with the following   guidelines:

1.  Eligibility criteria :

The competition is open to doctoral students :

  • Doctoral students regularly registered for the 2023-2024 academic year ;
  • Doctoral students working on a doctoral theme included in one of the 3 national strategic axes : Energy Security, Food Security and Citizen Health
  • Doctoral students who have not yet defended their theses by April 18, 2024 (closing date for applications),
  • Doctoral students with at least one SCOPUS B rank publication.
2. Selection Process :

–  Successive selections at the local level( 3/ establishment), regional ( 3/region) then national (first 3 among the 09 selected).

 Evaluation of files by a commission established within each establishment composed of the VRPG/DAPG and the VDPG/head of department (see  “Selection grid”)

–  Ranking based on equivalent annual score.

  • The evaluation of candidate files is carried out by calculating the scores obtained by doctoral students (total points) and are divided by the number of years of registration to obtain the equivalent annual score.
  • The ranking of candidates in descending order based on the calculation of the annual equivalent score. In the event of a tie, the result of the evaluation of the publications will be taken into account.
3. Pre-established timelines ;

The call for applications is open from Sunday 07 to Thursday 18 April 2024 (see  « Timeline »). 

The application files will be submitted to the Post-graduation services at the Faculty concerned (FSEA – SNV).

▶️ Timeline relating to the Call for applications for the selection of the best doctoral student work

▶️ Selection grid for the best works of Doctoral Students

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