Yearly Archives:

University Cells

خلية المرافقة البيداغوجية Pedagogical accompaniment cell مكتب إستراتيجية الرقمنة Office of the university’s digitalization strategy خلية ضمان الجودة Quality Assurance Unit خلية التعليم عن بعد Distance Learning Unit

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2024 Professional Exams

It is brought to the attention of the Administrative, Technical and Service Staff of the University, that as part of the execution of the Human Resources Management Plan for the year 2024, Examination promotion positions are open for access to the following grades:

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Fulbright scholarship program

We have the honour to inform you that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is the recipient of a Fulbright scholarship program of the American Government allowing students holding a Bachelor of Arts or Science degree to pursue a Master in a university in the United StatesUnited. A detailed …

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Scholarship University of Insubrie, Italy.

The University of Insubria in Italy offers 20 Scholarships for international students enrolling in a bachelor’s or master’s degree at the University of Insubria for the academic year 2024/2025. This scholarship is offered to talented and excellent students applying from outside Italy to support them during two years of academic study in …

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Foreign Scholarship in Colombia

The Colombia 2024 Foreign Scholarship Program is aimed at foreign students who wish to pursue their postgraduate studies in Colombia, as well as foreigners from non-Hispanic-speaking countries who need to strengthen the Spanish language to carry out postgraduate studies in Colombia. Applicants must complete the online application form and submit …

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NVIDIA Workshop

The NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) in collaboration with the LIO Laboratory and Artificial Intelligence House at Oran 1 University is pleased to invite you to a hands-on deep learning workshop on Saturday, May 16th, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at the TALAHIT auditorium. This workshop is exclusively available …

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TIC2P’24 workshops

Presentation of the main data and steps taken by Oran1 Ahmed Ben Bella University through its e-learning implementation and monitoring unit as part of the promotion of distance learning and the use of ICTE tools. Through this video, Oran1 University is taking part in the competition organized by the National …

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