4th edition of the scholarship program «André MANDOUZE»

Call for applications as part of the launch of the 4th edition of the scholarship program «André MANDOUZE» organized by the French Institute of Algeria for the year 2024. This program of a duration of 15 days to 03 months, is intended for Algerian researchers wishing to work on archival …

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Scholarship offer from the University «ADA» of Azerbaijan.

As part of the Alimardan bey Topchubashov Program, ADA University in Azerbaijan provides international students with scholarships for the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate cycles, for the 2024-2025 academic year,  Offre Bourse université ADA Azerbaidjan Document :  Annexe_761-DCEU_ADA DOCUMENTS

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The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs programme

The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs programme (hereinafter referred to as the UNITWIN programme)1 mobilises the expertise of higher  ducation and research institutions to address the interdependent challenges of a growing world It was created in 1992 with the vision of advancing an integrated system of research, training and activities. in various fields …

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LPA Housing Program Platform for Higher Education Employees

CALL FOR CONSULTATION All staff of the establishment are informed of the reopening of the platform dedicated to registration for LPA housing applications. The platform is open until March 31, 2024. Link to the platform  : https://www.univ-oran2.dz/component/sppagebuilder/? view=page&id=137

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (EMIC)

University of Perpignan Via Domitia Scholarships for students, teachers and administrative staff. The call for applications for the Erasmus+ International Mobility of Credits (EMIC) Excellence Mobility Scholarships for the 2024/2025 academic year is open until April 3, 2024 inclusive!  for students, teachers and administrative staff. All the information concerning the …

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University of Cadiz – Spain

Scholarships for students (Master, Doctorate). Within the framework of the new Erasmus + KA171 programme and in partnership with the University of Cadiz – Spain, the University Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella launches the call for applications for student mobility (Master, Doctorate). Duration of mobility: 1st semester of academic year …

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Announcing the Abdul Hameed Shoman Award in its 42nd session in 2024

The Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation announces opening applications for the 2024 session, which aims to support researchers in our Arab world who have distinguished scientific productions in various fields. To all researchers, from the Arab world in medical and health sciences, engineering sciences, water, energy and food sciences, humanities, social …

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Call for applications: 3rd edition of the UNESCO-Russia Mendeleïev International Prize in Fundamental Sciences

This prize aims to reward outstanding achievements in research, education and international cooperation in the field of fundamental sciences for sustainable development. It is awarded annually to two laureates for their achievements in promoting socio-economic transformation and development on a global or regional scale, rewarding: excellence in basic science research; …

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scholarship program «France Excellence IFA – Doctorate»

As part of the 1st edition of its scholarship program «France Excellence IFA – Doctorate» on the theme of «high technologies», the French Institute of Algeria awards for the academic year 2024-2025 5 scholarships to students residing in Algeria, Registered in thesis for less than 2 years in an Algerian …

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University Oran 1 – Ahmed Ben Bella