Participation of EES and EPST in the Interreg Next Med call for projects

Participation of EES and EPST in the Interreg Next Med call for projects

All higher education and research institutions are allowed to participate and take advantage of funding opportunities.

The themes considered in this call are:

1- A more competitive and smarter Mediterranean:

  • Develop, improve research and innovation capabilities and the use of advanced technologies,
  • Strengthen sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including through productive investment.

2- Greener, low-carbon and resilient Mediterranean:

  • Promote energy efficiency measures and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
  • Foster climate change adaptation, disaster risk prevention and resilience through ecosystem-based approaches.
  • Promote access to water and sustainable water management.
  • Promote the transition to a circular and resource-efficient economy.

3- A more social and inclusive Mediterranean,
4- better governance of cooperation for the Mediterranean.

In addition, it should be noted that the National Centre for Studies and Analyses for Population and Development (CENEAPED) under the Ministry of the Interior and Local Authorities and Regional Planning, is the National Focal Point of the said Programme.

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