

Meeting between Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Tech, Big Data, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are transforming our world and impacting all aspects of our societies, including the healthcare domain. It is in this context that the SaCoNeT initiative and the ITS.EPISEN engineering program at the University of Paris Est Créteil, in collaboration with the Thematic Research Agency in Health and Life Sciences (ATRSSV) and the Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences of the University of Oran1 (FSEA.Oran1), are organizing the 4th edition of SACONET in spring 2024.

This edition consists of 2 components for optimal synergy :

Component 1: Practical Workshops for Students (June 01-02nd , 2024)

Immersive “Hands-on” workshops will allow students from the Biomedical Engineering program at the University of Oran1 to familiarize themselves with AI techniques as part of their practical training.

Component 2: Thematic Day and Creation of a Regional Ecosystem (June03 rd, 2024)

This day will be dedicated to the creation and consolidation of a regional ecosystem-cluster around the application of Deep Tech in the field of digital health and future medicine. It will bring together actors from the academic and socio-economic worlds to explore possible synergies between education, research, entrepreneurship, innovation, and the local socio-economic fabric.

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University Oran 1 – Ahmed Ben Bella