manifestations scientifiques


SaConet’2024 : SMART TECHNOLOGIES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN IT Meeting between Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Tech, Big Data, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are transforming our world and impacting all aspects of our societies, including the healthcare domain. It is in this context that …

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THE 4TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE EMBEDDED & DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EDIS’2024 November 3-5 , 2024, University of Bechar-Tahri Mohamed, Bechar, Algeria EDiS’2024 brings together researchers, developers, and practitioners from around the world to explore the latest advancements in a variety of cutting-edge fields, including Topics. This year, EDiS’2024 is proud to …

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University Oran 1 – Ahmed Ben Bella