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Assessment Procedure for Online Teaching

We would like to inform you about the new procedure for the expertise of online courses for Oran1 Ahmed Ben Bella University, as part of distance learning.You will find below the detailed document explaining the process which. in three languages (Arabic/French/English). Dr. GHERMI Mohamed Coordinateur de la Cellule E-Learning …

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Infoday on Erasmus+ CBHE – 2024 Call for proposals

The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is organizing on 30/11/2023 an Infoday on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) – 2024 Call for proposals. Please find below the link to the website of the event: ERASMUS+ CBHE: GENERAL INFODAY webstreaming: 2023-11-30   | 09:00 – 13:00   | PLANNED

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Erasmus+ 2024 call for proposals

The Erasmus+ Algeria National Office is pleased to announce the opening of the Erasmus+ 2024 call for projects, with a total budget of 4.3 billion euros, dedicated to support mobility and international cooperation. Mobility projects International mobility of students and higher education staff  (ICM)-2024 Cooperation projects Capacity building projects in …

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Conferences led by Professor MNASRI Bacem

The Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences of the University of Oran 1 had the pleasure of welcoming today Professor MNASRI Bacem from « Centre de Biotechnologie de Bordj-Cédria_ Tunisie » who will give two lectures on November 29 and 30, 2023 at the Auditorium of the Faculty. Professor MNASRI …

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Platforms U.Oran1

Students monitoring platform (version currently in test) Master’s registration platform (version currently in test)

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