Meeting of 15th November 2021

The Rector of the University of Oran, Ahmed bin Bella, chaired today on the 15th November 2021, the University’s Scientific Council meeting, with the participation of Deputy Directors, College Deans, Institute Directors, and the Secretary-General.

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Meeting of Octobre 06th, 2022

 The Rector of the University of Oran, Ahmed bin Bella, chaired today on the 06th October 2022, the University’s Scientific Council meeting, with the participation of Deputy Directors, College Deans, Institute Directors, and the Secretary-General.   Meeting of Octobre 06th, 2022 Version(AR)

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Researcher IDs and profiles : Google Scholar

Étapes à suivre Create a Google Scholar account and sign in. Click on My profile at the top left and complete the basic information (e.g. click on the pencil next to your name, add your photo). In the post table, under the +, click Add Posts to search for your …

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Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT)

Scholarships for students, teachers, and administrative staff Within the framework of the new Erasmus + program and in partnership with the Polytechnic University of Cartagena – Spain, the University Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella launches the call for applications for the mobility of students (Bachelor, Master and PhD student), teachers …

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UNESCO Prize for the Use of ICT in Education 

UNESCO Directorate-General invites Member States to submit nominations for the 2019 UNESCO Prize for the Use of ICT in Education; with the theme “Using artificial intelligence to innovate in education, learning and teaching”. The submission of applications is limited to 31October 2019. The application form is available online at: …

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UNESCO-Japan Prize for Education for Sustainable Development 2019

UNESCO Directorate-General invites Member States to submit nominations for the 5th edition of the UNESCO-Japan Prize for Education for Sustainable Development. The prize is endowed with an amount of 50,000 American Dollars. It aims to reward outstanding projects and programs undertaken in the field of education by individuals, institutions, or …

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Conditions to benefit from university accommodation The student must be enrolled in a university whose distance from his place of residence exceeds 50Km for boys and 30km for girls The age must not exceed 28 years.

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Comstech Awards-2019

The Standing Committee for Scientific and Technical Cooperation (COMSTECH) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has published a call for applications for the Awards of Excellence for researchers in mathematics, physical sciences, chemistry, and biology. More information and application forms are available at The application form for Basic Sciences, Mathematics, …

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University Oran 1 – Ahmed Ben Bella