The Oran1 University was created from the National School of Medicine and Pharmacy established on October 18th, 1961 at the Hospital Center of Oran, the higher Scientific College and from the higher Literary College. The Oran Es-Sénia university (Arabic جامعة وهران السانية) is an Algerian university located in the wilaya of Oran. It was founded on November 1961 and attached to the University of Algiers on April 13th, 1965. Oran University is one of the most important and the largest university in Algeria, where thousands of students are graduated every year in all disciplines. Oran University is multidisciplinary, providing training and research in many fields: science, technology, health, social and human sciences, economics, management, law, literature, languages and arts. This thematic diversity concerns both graduation and post-graduation training and constitutes a real scientific wealth that attracts more and more students. To meet this demand and meet the expectations it raises, Oran University relies on the experience of its teachers and the commitment of its support staff. University training also requires that teaching should rely on intense research activity. For this reason, Oran University takes care to consolidate and develop its significant capacities in this area: more than 60 accredited research laboratories and 800 researchers involved
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