Platforms U.Oran1

  • Alumni Platform of the University of Oran 1 
    Platform for Alumni of Oran 1 University was created with the aim of strengthening links between alumni, fostering professional and personal exchanges, as well as facilitating networking opportunities.

  • University Certificate Verification System
    For any verification or authentication of a credential or attestation obtained at Oran University1, or verification of a basic or in-depth training course at Oran University1 (e.g. application from an employer or other university). a special platform has been developed to emphasize the validity of the certificate

  • Platform for consulting theses
    A new platform for consulting electronic theses that gives you access to part of the academic output of Oran1 University. You will find on this platform: Doctoral theses in science. Doctoral theses LMD 3rd cycle. Dissertations of magisterium.

  • Students monitoring platform (version currently in test)
  • Master’s registration platform (version currently in test)

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University Oran 1 – Ahmed Ben Bella