Maurice Audin Prize in mathematics 2020

Mohammed Hichem Mortad, Professor at Oran1 University, Ahmed Ben Bella, Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics:

Prof. HICHEM MORTAD Mohammed of the University Oran1, Ahmed Ben Bella was crowned Laureate of the Prix de Mathématiques Maurice Audin with Prof. MOUSSAOUI Ali of the University Abou Bakr Belkaid of Tlemcen The ceremony took place in web conference on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 from 4 pm to 6 pm.

Sponsored by the Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, the Mathematical Society of France, the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the association Josette and Maurice Audin, this prize is awarded every two years to a mathematician practising in Algeria and a mathematician practising in France.

This event took place in duplex with the Center of Research on Scientific and Technical Information (CERIST) of Algiers and participated in webconference to this ceremony; Prof Benziane Abdelbaki (Minister of MESRS), Prof Bouyakoub Abdelkader (University Oran1, Ahmed Ben Bella), Prof. HAMOU Ahmed, (Rector of Oran1 University, Ahmed Ben Bella), Mr. Ambassador of France to Algiers, Mr. Villani Cédric (winner of the Fields Medal in 2010).

The two French Laureates are; Anne-Laure Dalibard, Professor of the Sorbonne University and François Delarue and Professor at the Université Côte d’Azur.

Mohammed Hichem Mortad, Professor at Oran1 University, Ahmed Ben Bella, Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics:

After a thesis in 2003 at the University of Edinburgh under the direction of Alexander Davie, Mohammed Hichem Mortad supports his habilitation to direct research in 2008 at the University of Oran.

Mohammed Hichem Mortad, 42, is a specialist in functional analysis and in particular in operator theory, both bounded and unbounded. On the latter he obtained characterizations of unbounded self-adjusted operators, and criteria of inversibility of unbounded normal operators.

The theorems he obtained have applications in various fields of mathematics such as partial differential equations and mathematical physics.

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University Oran 1 – Ahmed Ben Bella